
How Routine Auto Care Saves You Money

There is no doubt that a car is a major investment. The cost of the average new car is well into the five figures, with some vehicles costing as much as houses did not a few decades ago. Even a late-model used car can set you back many thousands of dollars, and require many years of ongoing monthly payments.

Given this level of investment, it just makes sense to protect the vehicle you drive. One of the best things you can do for your vehicle is maintain it properly, and doing so can actually save you money in the long run.

The Value of Preventative Maintenance

Maintaining your car the right way can save you a ton of money, but it can also save you a lot of hassle. Anyone who has ever broken down by the side of the road knows just how frustrating this experience can be. Without the right preventative maintenance, you could find yourself in this difficult – and expensive – situation.

The cost of a single towing could far exceed the price you pay for a year’s worth of preventative maintenance. If you doubt the value of preventative maintenance to save you money, just think about that.

Improving Your Fuel Economy

Whether the price of fuel is going up or down, gassing up your car is never cheap. You may not realize it, but maintaining your vehicle properly can actually save you money at the fuel pump.

A well maintained car will run more efficiently, and that means less fuel consumption. You could improve your fuel economy by 10% or more just by tuning it up and investing in regular oil changes, and that can put a lot of extra money in your pocket.

Make Your Car Last Longer

Buying a new car is a major investment, and an expense you do not need. Modern vehicles can easily go for hundreds of thousands of miles, but only if they are properly maintained.

Getting regular oil changes, investing in periodic tune-ups and having your transmission flushed and the oil changed can all help your vehicle last a lot longer, and that can save you a ton of money. Instead of taking on yet another car payment, you can enjoy driving around in your fully paid for car.

Whether you drive a brand new car or an old beater, you cannot afford to let preventative maintenance slip from your radar screen. Preventative maintenance is not an option – it is something you absolutely need to do.

Call Doc Motor Works at 815-577-3893 for an appointment today!
